Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July, All Over This Land

Happy 4th of July, Everybody!

My company sprung for Ice Cream on Tuesday and provided all sorts of Sundae toppings so we could create star spangled sweetums, if'n we chose.  Which I did.  I ate it while I searched U Tuba for Sousa marches.  Stars & Stripes, anyone?  Go VIKINGS.. wait Vikings?!  When did we get VIKINGS?!!  I thought we fought to get away from Vikings...and kingdoms.. and such.  

We ended up listening to Chet Atkins version, which was mesmerizing

Now it's Wednesday, July 4th and after feeding the kiddos, it's time for breakfast.  Wot'll it be?  How about celebrating multiple American cultures of the American Carribbean & Queens, NY with a Puerto Rican Jew?  Not PC enough for ya?  or have absolutely no idea what I'm making up right now?  Maybe I can make it more.. erhm... palatable by calling it The Epstein.  And now upon searching for the picture of Robert Hegyes I discover he passed away this January.  RIP & thanks for all the laughs.  Definitely thought Epstein was a million times cooler than Babarino... he was no Washington, but hey, who was.  Mrs. Kotter still ruled, tho.

But I digress...  The Epstein:  Plain Bagel w/ Cream Cheese, Deli Mustard & ....wait for it..... CHORIZO!  Awesmoe

Use the bready bits of the Bagel to sop up the extra Chorizo oil.  With a strong coffee it is a particularly American start to the day.

Here's to Freedom!  Happy 4th of July, Everybody.  Be safe & see you on Thursday.